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Search engine optimization is a moving target. Search engines constantly refining their methods and algorithms to deliver the most accurate, relevant results to searchers. They're also making it harder for unscrupulous marketers to manipulate search engine results by using optimization tricks. We have always advocated using acceptable practices based on Google’s Webmaster Guidelines to boost your rankings and traffic. Using tricks and manipulation may get you fast, impressive results but they will be fleeting and could even be damaging. Using legitimate and effective SEO strategies will deliver more impressive business results that will endure... but it will require some time and patience.
The keyword research process is the foundation to a successful SEO campaign. Our comprehensive keyword research process allows us to identify the following:
This information will help us identify search terms that are important to your SEO campaign and overall online success.
There are three key areas the search engines look at; your site, your server and your previous history within search engines. Our team completes a comprehensive analysis from your domains origination, to how the search engines see your site today. Below you will find a list of areas your team will cover:
A Content Analysis is completed on pages throughout your website. This allows us to identify the existing pages and content that has the potential to help support your selected keywords and sustain long term top ten rankings. If your site is in need of additional content, we then work with you and a professional content writer to ensure the proper marketing message is conveyed and new creative copy is written especially for your site.
There are times when sites do not have enough content to support their SEO campaign; there are also times where pages within your site are perfect for the visitor, but missing integral parts for a successful SEO campaign. We offer a professional content writing service that will allow you to keep your existing content intact, while incorporating new content and/or pages within your site to ensure the success of your campaign will cost extra. This highly creative content will incorporate your marketing message, strong calls to action and exhibit the same look and feel as your existing web pages. You will always have the final say of any potentially new content created for your website.
Our team takes the time to manually submit each optimized URL within your website, to the major search engines. Manual submissions are the only way to correctly notify the search engines that changes have been made to specific pages within your site. Additionally, we have a robust set of proprietary tools that notifies us when you or your team makes changes to your web pages. This alerts our SEO team that additional manual submissions are needed; ensuring the search engines know it’s time to re indexing your web pages for potential ranking increases.
The Google & Yahoo! Sitemaps tell the search engines which pages are most important to your Search Engine Optimization campaign. Our SEO team will create and adjust the necessary areas within the Sitemaps to ensure that your most relevant pages are given the proper prominence. Additionally, our SEO experts will take proactive steps in troubleshooting and monitoring your site through the Google Webmaster Console. This allows our SEO team to accurately identify and track your back links, link popularity, broken links and indexing speeds; as reported by Google.
The core of your SEO campaign is your SEO implementation. Our SEO experts will make the necessary adjustments to your website with regards to incorporating your selected keywords into existing web pages, adjusting the keyword density needed to achieve top ten rankings, editing and optimizing the most important areas within your site’s source code, creating and implementing server level adjustments to ensure your site is search engine friendly, and more. All changes are provided to you in a private development area that is not viewable to the public. Upon your review and approval, your changes will be made live; effectively wrapping up the SEO implementation process.
We will run a ranking report showing all your existing listings in the major search engines before we start. This elaborate report will be sent via email to you for you to help document our progress. Every 30 days, we will run a ranking report to document the progress and send it to you via email. Our technicians will contact you from time-to-time via phone or email with project status reports. In addition, feel free to contact us at any time via email or via phone during business hours with any questions.
we will be doing the series of activities on your website to increase the traffic so that the website will grow on search engine. The activities will include both on page and off page activities,